13 Days- Cambodia Adventure


Discover Cambodia, a diverse country with a captivating history. After arrival in bustling Phnom Penh, we head to picturesque Kampot, a land of paddy fields and pepper plantations. We pause for lunch at Kep Bay and enjoy views across the Gulf of Thailand before transferring to tropical Koh Rong island. Returning to Phnom Penh, we visit the Royal Palace and the sobering Killing Fields before departing for Battambang, a well-preserved colonial town. Finally, we explore the temple complex of Angkor with a sunset visit and a bike ride to the less visited temples.


  • Visit the Kampot pepper plantations
  • Relax and unwind on tropical Koh Rong island
  • Board a bicycle rickshaw for a tour through Phnom Penh and along the banks of the Mekong River
  • Visit the Killing Fields and Tuol Sleng Prison
  • Cycle through the countryside of Battambang
  • Spend two full days exploring the temples of Angkor including Ta Prohm


  • Day 1: Arrival in Phnom Penh

    Welcome to Cambodia. There will be a welcome briefing with your leader this evening followed by an optional group dinner at a local restaurant.

    included meals : Dinner
    Accommodation : Overnight in Phnom Penh
  • Day 2: Phnom Penh to Kampot- Sunset river cruise
    Leaving Phnom Penh, we travel into rural Cambodia to Kampot, which sits on a picturesque river. On the way, we stop at the 11th-century Phnom Chisor mountain temple, which is set on a hill with a magnificent view.
    Upon arrival, we check into our centrally located hotel, our base for the next two nights, before boarding a local boat for a sunset trip on the Kampot River. The waterway runs through the town centre and can flow in both directions as it is closely connected to the sea.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Kampot
  • Day 3: Kampot City tour - visit Kep
    Today, we venture into the countryside to discover the highlights of the Kampot province including salt fields, rice fields, fruit and pepper plantations, and the Phnom Chhnork caves. Kampot is also one of the largest producers of durian fruit; the durian, once opened, has a smell so pungent it is illegal to take it indoors in some Southeast Asian countries.

    After exploring the countryside, we visit Kep ghost town. Once a popular seaside resort, Kep now houses old resort buildings marked with bullet holes from the Khmer Rouge period, a reminder of the not-so-distant past. It is regaining popularity with local tourists and you might like to join them in having lunch in the simple crab shacks that line the beach (the crab in Kampot pepper sauce is a must).
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Kep
  • Day 4: Journey to Sihanoukville for speed boat transfer to Koh Rong
    After breakfast, we drive (approximately 2hr 30min to three hours) from Kampot to Sihanoukville, before taking a speed boat ferry transfer (approximately 45 minutes to one hour) across to beautiful Koh Rong island, our home for the next two nights. Upon arrival, we have free time to relax, refresh with a sea swim, or sip cocktails as the sun sets.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Koh Rong Island
  • Day 5: Free day on Koh Rong
    Our resort is on one of the most mesmerising and secluded white-sand beaches on the island. Today, you have free time to relax on the beach and enjoy the crystal-clear ocean waters, try various optional activities such as snorkelling, kayaking, and other watersports, or just soak up the exotic surroundings. Your leader can advise of all options available.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Koh Rong Island
  • Day 6: Transfer back to the mainland and onto Phnom Penh
    This morning, we transfer back to the mainland by speed boat (45 minutes to one hour) and drive on to Phnom Penh (approximate transfer time: five to six hours) with a stop for lunch.

    Phnom Penh, on the banks of the Tonle Sap and the Mekong River, is home to 2.2m people. It’s the capital city, but retains a laid-back, typically Cambodian feel where the pace is slower than one might expect.

    We set out on a sunset cyclo (bicycle rickshaw) lap of the town giving us a unique view of this bustling city and providing us with an easy orientation. Stopping to see street food served by the waterfront, we have the chance to try local specialities. We finish at a restaurant serving tasty Khmer cuisine. There are also many waterfront bars worth a visit; the Foreign Correspondents’ Club (FCC) overlooking the Tonle Sap river is recommended.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Phnom Penh
  • Day 7: Phnom Penh - City tour
    Enjoy a full day of sightseeing in the capital, which takes in the beautiful Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda, so named for the solid-silver tiles that make up the floor. Thankfully, the complex escaped the Khmer Rouge regime. Similar in style and scale to the Grand Palace in Bangkok, the Royal Palace has significantly fewer visitors and there is plenty of time to wander among the traditional buildings. There is also time today to shop at either the impressive Central Market or the sprawling Russian Market, a souvenir hunter’s paradise.

    We visit Tuol Sleng museum or S21 (Museum of Genocide), which graphically displays the horrors of the four years when Pol Pot ordered the murder of between 2m and 3m Cambodians. Tuol Sleng was originally a school but was used as a torture and interrogation centre between 1976 and 1979. It is a sobering and disturbing place to visit. Please be aware, the images at the museum are very graphic. We complete our day with a moving late afternoon visit to the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek. A football field-sized area surrounded by farmland, the Killing Fields contain mass graves for perhaps 20,000 Cambodians, many of whom were tortured before being killed.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Phnom Penh
  • Day 8: Journey to colonial city of Battambang
    Our destination today is Battambang (pronounced Battambong). The second-largest city in Cambodia, it is centred around an attractive riverside hub with traces of French elegance, friendly Khmer people and well-preserved colonial architecture. There are also striking examples of art deco architecture: central market, the Victory swimming pool and the train station to name a few. En route to Battambang, we can stop at a pottery village, a silversmith village and a marble handicraft workshop for an insight into local handcrafts and industry. In the evening, we enjoy an orientation walk alongside the Sangke River and observe daily life of the local people.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Battambang
  • Day 9: Leisurely cycle ride through rural Battambang (otherwise explore on foot)
    Today, we cycle through countryside to explore the local rural life. Stopping at villages to see cottage industries, traditional scarf weaving and farming, there will be countless opportunities to interact with the villagers who may be surprised to see us travelling, as they do, on a bicycle. We reward our morning’s efforts with fruit and a refreshing coconut. The cycle is easy riding on flat terrain with lots of stops along the way. If you would like to opt out of the cycling and hop on a tuk-tuk instead, let the leader know at the beginning of the trip so alternative arrangements can be made.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Battambang
  • Transfer to Siem Reap
    After breakfast, we head to the town of Siem Reap with stops at the local market at Pouk. Cambodian markets tend to be fragrant affairs – on offer here is Cambodian ‘cheese’; one of the strongest smelling cheeses around, perhaps because it is made entirely of fish. The local market is nonetheless a great insight into the daily life of the Cambodian people. We also make a brief stop at the Angkor Silk Farm for an introduction into the life of a silkworm and the production process of this fine textile. This afternoon, we walk past the Royal Gardens and along the Siem Reap River to the Old Market, helping us get our bearings in this small town. You may like to finish with a visit to the Artisans DÁngkor workshop – a not-for-profit organisation that provides vocational training for young people in traditional Cambodian arts.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Siem Reap
  • Day 11: Full day at Angkor temple complex; sunset visit
    Our first full day of temple touring is by private bus so we can visit some of the outlying temples such as Banteay Srei. Known as the Women’s Citadel, this small temple complex with intricate carvings is devoted to Brahma. Particularly impressive are Banteay Kdei and Ta Prohm, still covered in jungle, similar to how it was when it first came to light.

    Described as being ‘grander than anything of Greece or Rome’ by French explorer Henri Mouhot, this World Heritage site stands alongside the Pyramids and Machu Picchu as one of the most spectacular archaeological sites in the world.

    Tonight is free to enjoy one of the many restaurants on the ‘Bar Street’ boulevard in central Siem Reap. You may also wish to marvel at the skills of the Phare Cambodian Circus troop or chose to watch traditional Apsara dancing.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Siem Reap
  • Day 12: Leisurely bicycle tour of temples
    This morning, we get set up on mountain bikes for an easy but active ride around the Angkorian ruins that are closer to town. On the bicycle, we can avoid some of the crowds and get a unique perspective on this amazing site. If you want to rise early, you can arrange with your leader to take in Angkor at sunrise prior to the day’s cycling.

    We visit the incredible Angkor Wat, the many temples inside the Royal City of Angkor Thom, including the magnificent Bayon, which is comprised of 54 intricately carved towers in one single temple. The Bayon certainly left an impression on an early traveller in 1925 who stated ‘we stand before it stunned. It is like nothing else in the land.’

    Angkor is a truly magical experience and a photographer’s paradise, one of the real highlights of our trip. The ride will be approximately 15.5mi (25km) with plenty of opportunities for refreshment stops and to take photos. If you would like to opt out of cycling and instead cool down in the support vehicle, please let your leader know who can arrange the logistics of this and the rest of the group.
    included meals : Breakfast
    Accommodation : Overnight in Siem Reap
  • Day 13: Siem Reap - Departure
    The tour ends this morning in Siem Reap after breakfast. If you’d like to spend a little more time to explore, speak to your sales representative about extending your stay.
    included meals : Breakfast

Trip Details

  • Accommodation
    • Phnom Penh: Ohana Hotel or similar for 3 nights
    • Kampot: The Columns Hotel or similar for 2 nights
    • Koh Rong: Sok San Resort or similar for 2 nights
    • Battambang: Classy Hotel or similar for 2 nights
    • Siem Reap: Angkor Holiday Hotel or similar for 3 nights

More Information



13 Days- Cambodia Adventure


13 days 12 nights

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